Conrad of Mure

Conrad of Mure, also often referred to as Conrad of Muri (c. 1210 - March 30, 1281), was rector of the diocesan school attached to the Zurich Minster and author of a number of important treatises on rhetoric and poetry. His Summa de arte prosandi (1275–1276) is one of the most learned introductions to the art of letter writing in the Middle Ages.[1]


  1. ^ W. Maaz, "Konrad von Mure," Lexikon des Mittelalters, vol. 5, pp. 1362-63; Martin Camargo, "Where's the Brief?: The Ars Dictaminis and Reading/Writing Between the Lines," in The Late Medieval Epistle, ed. Carol Poster and Richard Utz (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1966), pp. 1-17.